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Counter Clutter - Part Deux

Blog by Matt Carre | October 3rd, 2011

When you think about counter clutter people often think of the kitchen first which is what I’ve written about before, but the other place in your home that likely has counter clutter is the bathroom.  The main problem with clutter when you are selling your home is that it is distracting for the buyer – that’s why you want to get rid of it.  You want them to see your home not your stuff.

Although dirt and grime doesn’t seem like clutter it is because it’s distracting.  So above all else – clean your bathroom!  Once it’s clean take inventory of what you have on your counter.  A cup or soap dispenser are normal and expected.  I recommend putting away your toothbrushes (I always picture a cheesy comedy scene where someone knocks the toothbrush into the toilet).  As far as all of your lotions and potions it’s best to put them away too.  All the branding, logos and colours are meant to grab your attention in the store and that’s exactly what they are doing with a buyer too.  If you have a small collection of pretty bottles those can look nice on display.  Tuck away the dried out bar of soap too and replace it with a fresh unused one (your showing soap).

For bath tubs I always tell people to pull the curtain across.  That way you won’t see the various shampoo and conditioner bottles.  If you only have a plastic curtain (clear or otherwise) it’s worth the money to buy a cheap white fabric one to go overtop.

If you want to stage your bathroom, display a container of cotton balls and another of Q-tips.  You can also role up towels or face cloths and put them in a basket.  In my opinion, as long as the toilet seat is down you’ve already won half the battle!